Configuring vSwitches From an SSH Session on an ESXi Host

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Most of the time I work with SMB sized customers. Most of them don’t want or need to know the ends and outs of their vSwitch configuration (or much of the underlying configuration at all) because they don’t intend on needing to change it. If they want to modify something they will send in a support request and one of us at Eagle will reply to them.

Because most SMB shops only have maybe 3 ESXi hosts doing all of this via an SSH session into the ESXi shell tends to be quicker and provide better overall documentation for clients. It also helps with support if we ever have to reload a host. We don’t have to pull down any special Virtual Appliances or walk people though configuring a usb drive to do something special. It’s very clear and easy for folks to understand.

Keeping it simple also helps get rid of errors and makes things much more consistent.  This script takes advantage of variables which are kept in the head of the script so that things are made simpler and so you don’t have to go hunting for all the places to change things.

In this post I look at the basic configuration file I use to prepare clients ESXi hosts for use. This script has been optimized for vSphere 5.0. Much of it is not backwards compatible although I left the commands in for 4.1 hosts in most cases. It’s also worth noting that I don’t have the actual script file up for download. You’ll need to put the parts in a file yourself.

Before we get started I should make it clear if you use anything discussed in this blog it is at your your own risk.

It should first be noted that any thing preceded by a # symbol is a comment.

First we start off with the standard stuff that you would find in the header of the file…

# 10-23-11 Script created by Tony Foster 
# 10-28-11 Fixed some typos, moved jumbo frames for mgmt to end so 
# V.1.1      there is no disconect of the SSH session. Also added 
#            Syslog setup. 
# 12-11-11 Changed the iSCSI detection settings. In old script 
# V.1.2      it would detect hardware iSCSI HBA's as well as 
#            VMware's software HBA. 
# 12-14-11 Added a network refresh before changing network bindings 
# V.1.3      in Section 09.02. Otherwise it may fail to config the 
#            management network accordingly. 
# 05-08-12 Changed the default syslog to SSL port to 1514. Built a 
# V.1.4      vMotion vSwitch Config. Started work on createing a 
#            vLAN build option ran into snag with arrays. 
#            Also changed out the esxcfg to esxcli commands. 
# 06-21-12 V.1.4 did not work correctly re-writing to make it work. 
# V.1.5      Added vlan support and updated to new command set. 
# Install Script for vSphere 5.0 
# Eagle Software, Inc V.1.5 
# (C) Copyright 2012 EAGLE Software, Inc. in Association with 
#   Anthony (Tony) Foster. All rights reserved. 

This section contains all the variables. Comments are out to the side that describe what they do.  I strongly recommend you just change the values of the variables to match what you want them to do.

#################Document what you are building#################### 
## For host:        <Put the host name here> 
## File build date:    <Put the build date here> 
## Pound signs (#) represent comments. 
## Enter information in the variables below to configure your host. 

## Settings: 
#                        Management Settings
MyMgtVswitch="vSwitch0"                 #Management vSwitch name (Optional)
MgtNicOne='vmnic0'                      #Management Nic one's identifier
MgtNicTwo='vmnic4'                      #Management Nic two's identifier
MgtVMk='vmk0'                           #Management Kernel identifier
MyConsoleName='Service Console'         #Name for the connection to the ESXi host (Optional)
MyMgtNetName='Management Network'       #Name for the management network (Optional)
MyMgtVLAN='0'                           #vLAN for the management network leave at 0 for default (optional)
MyMgtMTU='9000'                         #MTU size for management 

/*#                        vMotion config
MyvMotVswitch="vSwitch0"                #Management vSwitch name (Optional)
MyvMotName='vMotion'                    #Name for base vMotion Kernel
vMotNicOne='vmnic0'                     #Managment Nic one's identifier 
vMotNicTwo='vmnic4'                     #Managment Nic two's identifier
MyvMotOneIP='x.x.x.x'                   #IP for vMotion1
MyvMotTwoIP='x.x.x.x'                   #IP for vMotion2
MyvMotSubNet=''            #Subnet mask for vMotion
MyvMotVMkOne='vmk3'                     #First VM Kernel for vMotion (Optional)
MyvMotVMkTwo='vmk4'                     #Second VM Kernel for vMotion (Optional)
MyVMotVLAN='0'                          #vLAN for the vMotion network leave at 0 for default (optional)
MyvMotPortCount='16'                    #vMotion vSwitch Port count
MyvMotMTU='9000'                        #MTU size for vMotion 

/*#                        Production Settings
MyProdVswitch="vSwitch1"                #Production vSwitch name (Optional)
ProdNicOne='vmnic1'                     #Production Nic one's identifier
ProdNicTwo='vmnic5'                     #Production Nic two's identifier
MyProdNetName='Production Network'      #Production network name (Optional)
MyProdVlanNum="0"                       #Production vLAN id 0 for none (Optional) 
MyVlanBaseName="vLAN"                   #Base name for any additional vLANs created IE vLAN 10
MyVlanArray="0"                         #String array of additional vLANs to add each seperated by a space set to 0 for none
MyProdMTU='9000'                        #MTU size for Production 

#                        iSCSI Settings
MyiSCSIVswitch="vSwitch2"               #iSCSI vSwitch name (Optional)
MyiSCSIKernName='iSCSI'                 #iSCSI base kernel Name
iSCSINicOne='vmnic2'                    #iSCSI Nic one's identifier
iSCSINicTwo='vmnic6'                    #iSCSI Nic two's identifier
MyiSCSINetName='iSCSI Network'          #iSCSI network name (Optional)
MyiSCSIOneIP='y.y.y.y'                  #IP for iSCSI1
MyiSCSITwoIP='y.y.y.y'                  #IP for iSCSI2
MyiSCSISubNet=''           #Subnet mask for vMotion
MyiSCSIVMkOne='vmk1'                    #First VM Kernel for iSCSI (Optional)
MyiSCSIVMkTwo='vmk2'                    #Second VM Kernel for iSCSI (Optional)
MyiSCSIVLAN='0'                         #vLAN for the iSCSI network leave at 0 for default (optional)
MyiSCSIMTU='9000'                       #MTU size for iSCSI 

#                        Host Settings
EditMyHostFile='0'                      #Set the value to 1 to edit the host file
MyDomainName=""              #Domain name of the hosts
MyHostBaseName="ESXi0"                  #The base form of the host name
MyHostIPBase="x.x.x."                   #The first 3 octets of the hosts IP address
MyHostBaseIP="51"                       #The LAST octet of the ip, this will be the first host
MyTotalNumOfHosts='3'                   #The number of hosts you want to put into the file
MyStartingHostNum='1'                   #The first host to start with

#                        vCenter Settings
MyvCenterName="vCenter"                 #The short name of the vCenter
MyvCenterIP="x.x.x.x"                   #The IP address of the vCenter

#                        General Settings (designed for EqualLogic Arrays)
MyiSCSIArrayOneIP='x.x.x.x'             #IP address of iSCSI array
MyNTPServerOne=''          #Time Server one
MyNTPServerTwo=''                       #Time Server Two (Optional)
MySyslogServer="ssl://x.x.x.x:1514"     #Syslog server name or IP : port SSL 1514
MySyslogLocPath='/scratch/log'          #Local path to save logs to (Optional)
MyDumpServerIP='x.x.x.x'                #Dump Server ip address
MyDumpServerVMK='vmk0'                  #Dump Server vmKernel number

This very first section is just a safety check to make sure you’re not running vMotion across the production network. If you need this explained as to why this is a bad idea you may want to consult some other documentation before continuing with this blog.

# Section Error Checking 
#Create vMotion vSwitch if needed
if [ $MyvMotVswitch == $MyProdVswitch ];                        
#Warn if vMotion and production are on the same network
clear screen
echo ""; echo ""; echo ""
echo "STOP!!! This is not a supported configuration DO NOT CONTINUE"
echo "Consult VMware for information"
echo ""; echo ""; echo ""
clear screen
echo ""; echo ""; echo ""
echo "NO ERRORS FOUND in the configuration"
echo ""; echo ""; echo ""

Now we start on the meat of the script.  This first part changes the naming of the management kernel and the management network. The naming scheme has always driven me nuts. Don’t call it a network if there is only one thing is using it.

# Section 00 
# Clean up port settings
vim-cmd hostsvc/net/portgroup_set --portgroup-name="$MyConsoleName" $MyMgtVswitch "Management Network"
vim-cmd hostsvc/net/portgroup_set --portgroup-name="$MyMgtNetName" $MyMgtVswitch "VM Network"

#Reverse the decision 
#vim-cmd hostsvc/net/portgroup_set --portgroup-name="VM Network" $MyMgtVswitch "Management Network" 
#vim-cmd hostsvc/net/portgroup_set --portgroup-name="Management Network" $MyMgtVswitch "Service Console"


The next part starts by creating a vSwitch for all of the other network segments we need to create. You will also note that we are sizing the switches accordingly. To many ports and we are wasting space to few and we can cause problems for our design.

# Section 01.01 
# create a vSwitch 
# the -p represents how many ports the vSwitch has 
# 8 ports are held back for internal use, so subtract 8 to get usable ports 
# valid values are 16, 32, 64, 128, 248, 504, 1016, 2040, 4088 
esxcli network vswitch standard add -v $MyProdVswitch -P 128   
#create a Production vSwitch
esxcli network vswitch standard add -v $MyiSCSIVswitch -P 32   #create an iSCSI vSwitch
echo "*******************************************************"
#Modify vSwitch0
if [ $MyMgtVswitch != $MyProdVswitch ];                        #dont shrink the ports if Prod and Management vSwitchs are together
vim-cmd hostsvc/net/vswitch_setnumports $MyMgtVswitch 32
echo "Updated management network port count"
echo "*******************************************************"
#Create vMotion vSwitch if needed
if [ $MyMgtVswitch != $MyvMotVswitch ];                        #dont create the vSwitch if Management and vMot vSwitchs are the same
esxcli network vswitch standard add -v $MyvMotVswitch -P $MyvMotPortCount 
echo "Created vMotion vSwitch"

In the following section we get all of the parts setup for our vSwitchs. This includes things like jumbo frames, nics, CDP, and the like.

# Section 02.01 
# set vSwitchs to use jumbo frames 
#esxcfg-vswitch -m 9000 $MyMgtVswitch 
esxcli network vswitch standard set -m $MyProdMTU -v $MyProdVswitch
esxcli network vswitch standard set -m $MyiSCSIMTU -v $MyiSCSIVswitch
#Enable Jumbo Frames on vMotion vSwitch if needed
echo "*******************************************************"
if [ $MyMgtVswitch != $MyvMotVswitch ];                        #dont enable unless the vSwitch for Management and vMot vSwitchs are diff
esxcli network vswitch standard set -m $MyvMotMTU -v $MyvMotVswitch
echo "Set frame size for vMotion"

# Section 02.02 
# turn on CDP #esxcfg-vswitch  -B both $MyvMotVswitch 
esxcli network vswitch standard set -c both -v $MyMgtVswitch
esxcli network vswitch standard set -c both -v $MyProdVswitch
esxcli network vswitch standard set -c both -v $MyiSCSIVswitch
esxcli network vswitch standard set -c both -v $MyvMotVswitch   

# Section 02.03 
# add a nic to a vSwitch 
# esxcfg-vswitch -L $vMotNicTwo $MyvMotVswitch 
esxcli network vswitch standard uplink add -v $MyProdVswitch -u $ProdNicOne 
esxcli network vswitch standard uplink add -v $MyProdVswitch -u $ProdNicTwo 
esxcli network vswitch standard uplink add -v $MyiSCSIVswitch -u $iSCSINicOne
esxcli network vswitch standard uplink add -v $MyiSCSIVswitch -u $iSCSINicTwo 
#Add nics if needed to vMotion vSwitch
echo "*******************************************************"
if [ $MyMgtVswitch != $MyvMotVswitch ];                        #dont add nics unless Management and vMot vSwitchs are differant
esxcli network vswitch standard uplink add -v $MyvMotVswitch -u $vMotNicOne   
esxcli network vswitch standard uplink add -v $MyvMotVswitch -u $vMotNicTwo   
echo "Added nics to vMotion vSwitch"

# Section 02.04 
# add nic's to default vSwitch
esxcli network vswitch standard policy failover set -a "$ProdNicOne,$ProdNicTwo" -v $MyProdVswitch
esxcli network vswitch standard policy failover set -a "$iSCSINicOne,$iSCSINicTwo" -v $MyiSCSIVswitch
esxcli network vswitch standard policy failover set -a "$MgtNicOne,$MgtNicTwo" -v $MyMgtVswitch
echo "*******************************************************"
if [ $MyMgtVswitch != $MyvMotVswitch ];                        #dont add nics unless Management and vMot vSwitchs are differant
esxcli network vswitch standard policy failover set -a "$vMotNicOne,$vMotNicTwo" -v $MyvMotVswitch
echo "Added nics to vMotion vSwitch"

Section 3 lets you turn on flow control if your hosts don’t already do so.

# Section 03.01 
# Turn on flow control if neccesary (optional) 
# on by default in most cases 
#ethtool --pause vmnic0 tx on rx on 
#ethtool --pause vmnic1 tx on rx on 
#ethtool --pause vmnic2 tx on rx on 
#ethtool --pause vmnic3 tx on rx on 
#ethtool --pause vmnic4 tx on rx on 
#ethtool --pause vmnic5 tx on rx on 
#ethtool --pause vmnic6 tx on rx on 
#ethtool --pause vmnic7 tx on rx on

The following section starts building the useable components of our network specifically Port Groups.

# Section 04.01 
# build port groups 
#esxcfg-vswitch -A "iSCSI2" $MyiSCSIVswitch 
esxcli network vswitch standard portgroup add -p "$MyProdNetName" -v $MyProdVswitch
esxcli network vswitch standard portgroup add -p "$MyiSCSINetName" -v $MyiSCSIVswitch
esxcli network vswitch standard portgroup add -p "$MyiSCSINetName 1" -v $MyiSCSIVswitch
esxcli network vswitch standard portgroup add -p "$MyiSCSINetName 2" -v $MyiSCSIVswitch

esxcli network vswitch standard portgroup add -p "$MyiSCSIKernName""1" -v $MyiSCSIVswitch
esxcli network vswitch standard portgroup add -p "$MyiSCSIKernName""2" -v $MyiSCSIVswitch
esxcli network vswitch standard portgroup add -p "$MyvMotName""1" -v $MyvMotVswitch   
esxcli network vswitch standard portgroup add -p "$MyvMotName""2" -v $MyvMotVswitch

In the next section we start building our VMkernels

# Section 05.02 
# Set portgroups for a specific vLAN 
#esxcfg-vswitch -v $MyProdVlanNum -p "$MyProdNetName" $MyProdVswitch 
esxcli network vswitch standard portgroup set -p "$MyMgtNetName" -v $MyMgtVLAN
esxcli network vswitch standard portgroup set -p "$MyProdNetName" -v $MyProdVlanNum
esxcli network vswitch standard portgroup set -p "$MyiSCSINetName" -v $MyiSCSIVLAN
esxcli network vswitch standard portgroup set -p "$MyiSCSINetName 1" -v $MyiSCSIVLAN

esxcli network vswitch standard portgroup set -p "$MyiSCSINetName 2" -v $MyiSCSIVLAN
esxcli network vswitch standard portgroup set -p "$MyiSCSIKernName""1" -v  $MyiSCSIVLAN
esxcli network vswitch standard portgroup set -p "$MyiSCSIKernName""2" -v  $MyiSCSIVLAN
esxcli network vswitch standard portgroup set -p "$MyvMotName""1" -v $MyVMotVLAN
esxcli network vswitch standard portgroup set -p "$MyvMotName""2" -v $MyVMotVLAN
sleep 5

# Section 05.03 
# Build Production vLANs 
#MyProdVswitch="vSwitch1"                #Production vSwitch name (Optional) 
#MyVlanBaseName="vLAN"                   #Base name for any additional vLANs created IE vLAN 10 
#MyVlanArray="12 14 92 105 75"           #String array of additional vLANs to add each seperated by a space set to 0 for none 
if [ "$MyVlanArray" != "0" ]; then
for MyVlanProc in $MyVlanArray; do
esxcli network vswitch standard portgroup add -p "$MyVlanBaseName ${MyVlanProc}" -v $MyProdVswitch
esxcli network vswitch standard portgroup set -p "$MyVlanBaseName ${MyVlanProc}" -v ${MyVlanProc}
sleep 5

Now we’ll configure our VMkernels

# Section 06.01 
# Convert port group to vmKernel with Jumbo Frames 
#MyMgtMTU='9000'                         #MTU size for management 
#MyvMotMTU='9000'                        #MTU size for vMotion 
#MyProdMTU='9000'                        #MTU size for Production 
#MyiSCSIMTU='9000'                       #MTU size for iSCSI 
#esxcfg-vmknic -a -i $MyiSCSIOneIP -n $MyiSCSISubNet -m 9000 "iSCSI1" 
esxcli network ip interface add -m $MyiSCSIMTU -p "$MyiSCSIKernName""1"
esxcli network ip interface add -m $MyiSCSIMTU -p "$MyiSCSIKernName""2"
esxcli network ip interface add -m $MyvMotMTU -p "$MyvMotName""1"
esxcli network ip interface add -m $MyvMotMTU -p "$MyvMotName""2"

# Section 06.02 
# set vmKernel IP 
#esxcfg-vmknic -a -i $MyiSCSIOneIP -n $MyiSCSISubNet -m 9000 "iSCSI1" 
esxcli network ip interface ipv4 set -I $MyiSCSIOneIP -N $MyiSCSISubNet -i $MyiSCSIVMkOne -t static
esxcli network ip interface ipv4 set -I $MyiSCSITwoIP -N $MyiSCSISubNet -i $MyiSCSIVMkTwo -t static
esxcli network ip interface ipv4 set -I $MyvMotOneIP -N $MyvMotSubNet -i $MyvMotVMkOne -t static
esxcli network ip interface ipv4 set -I $MyvMotTwoIP -N $MyvMotSubNet -i $MyvMotVMkTwo -t static

Now we’ll start configuring our iSCSI network.

# Section 07.01 
# create iSCSI adapter 
esxcli iscsi software set --enabled=true

# Section 07.02 
# Verify that its on. 
# Turn on iSCSI 
#esxcfg-swiscsi -e #esxcfg-swiscsi -q
esxcli iscsi software get
sleep 10

# Section 07.03 
# Refresh the network
vim-cmd hostsvc/net/refresh
# Section 07.04 
# list vmhba#
echo `esxcli iscsi adapter list | grep vmhba | grep 'iSCSI Software Adapter' |awk '{print $1}'`

# Section 07.05 
# save it to a variable 
# Choose one of the two options, comment out the other 
MyHBA=$( esxcli iscsi adapter list | grep vmhba | grep 'iSCSI Software Adapter' |awk '{print $1}')

# Section 08.01 
# Add iSCSI array to iSCSI discovery 
vmkiscsi-tool -D -a $MyiSCSIArrayOneIP $MyHBA
sleep 5

# Section 09.01 
# Put nics in correct binding orders 
esxcli network vswitch standard portgroup policy failover set -u -p "$MyiSCSINetName"
esxcli network vswitch standard portgroup policy failover set -a "$iSCSINicOne" -s "" -p "$MyiSCSIKernName""1"
esxcli network vswitch standard portgroup policy failover set -a "$iSCSINicTwo" -s "" -p "$MyiSCSIKernName""2"
esxcli network vswitch standard portgroup policy failover set -a "$iSCSINicTwo" -s "$iSCSINicOne" -p "$MyiSCSINetName 1"
esxcli network vswitch standard portgroup policy failover set -a "$iSCSINicOne" -s "$iSCSINicTwo" -p "$MyiSCSINetName 2"
esxcli network vswitch standard portgroup policy failover set -u -p "$MyMgtNetName"
esxcli network vswitch standard portgroup policy failover set -a "$MgtNicOne" -s "$MgtNicTwo" -p "$MyConsoleName"
esxcli network vswitch standard portgroup policy failover set -a "$vMotNicOne" -s "$vMotNicTwo" -p "$MyvMotName""1"
esxcli network vswitch standard portgroup policy failover set -a "$vMotNicTwo" -s "$vMotNicOne" -p "$MyvMotName""2"
sleep 5

# Section 09.02 
# Refresh the network
vim-cmd hostsvc/net/refresh

# Section 11.01 
# bind VMkernels to VMhba’s
esxcli iscsi networkportal add -A $MyHBA -n $MyiSCSIVMkOne
esxcli iscsi networkportal add -A $MyHBA -n $MyiSCSIVMkTwo
sleep 5

# Section 12.01 
# Rescan for new storage
esxcli iscsi adapter discovery rediscover -A $MyHBA

I’ve left out the configuration rules for setting up an EqualLogic array. Its another post for another time. When I write it I’ll link to it here. Here we set our vMkernel for VMotion.

# Section 14.01 
# Set the VMotion kernel for vMotion 
vim-cmd hostsvc/vmotion/vnic_set $MyvMotVMkOne vim-cmd hostsvc/vmotion/vnic_set $MyvMotVMkTwo

Now we’ll set our NTP settings. For these changes to take affect you will want to restart the ESXi host so it will re-read its time servers.

# Section 15.01 
# Set the time servers for NTP

# for Windows TS see for details

# found the orginal idea for this at
cat >> 
<< EOF
server $MyNTPServerOne
server $MyNTPServerTwo

chkconfig ntpd on

The next part configures syslogging and dump logging.

# Section 16.01 
# Configure the Syslog service for vCenter 
# List config
esxcli system syslog config get

# Set the Syslog
esxcli system syslog config set --logdir="$MySyslogLocPath" --loghost="$MySyslogServer" --logdir-unique=true --default-rotate=8 --default-size=1024

# Reload syslog
esxcli system syslog reload

# List config
esxcli system syslog config get

# Section 16.02 
# Enable Firewall entries 
# Open the firewall for syslog 
vim-cmd hostsvc/firewall_enable_ruleset syslog

# Section 17.01 
# Configure remote dump host 
# List current dump configuration 
esxcli system coredump network get

# Configure dump server connection
esxcli system coredump network set --interface-name $MyDumpServerVMK --server-ipv4 $MyDumpServerIP --server-port 6500

# Enable network core dump
esxcli system coredump network set --enable true

# List current dump configuration
esxcli system coredump network get

In some cases its beneficial to register the ESXi host’s in the host file. This can help in some instances where DNS is not available to respond to name resolution requests. We put entries in the ESXi hosts in the following section.

# Section 18.02 
# Register the ESXi Hosts in the /etc/hosts file
if [ $EditMyHostFile -eq 1 ]; then
while [ $MyStartingHostNum -le $MyTotalNumOfHosts ]; do
#echo "Counting up: $MyStartingHostNum"
echo -e "$MyHostIPBase""$MyHostBaseIP     $MyHostBaseName""$MyStartingHostNum      $MyHostBaseName""$MyStartingHostNum""$MyDomainName" >> /etc/hosts
MyHostBaseIP=`expr $MyHostBaseIP + 1`
MyStartingHostNum=`expr $MyStartingHostNum + 1`
echo -e "$MyvCenterIP     $MyvCenterName      $MyvCenterName""$MyDomainName" >> /etc/hosts

Now we just have a couple of more things left to do. Firs we are going to put the host in maintinance mode so its ready for a reboot of the host.

# Section 19.01 
# put the host in maintenance mode for a reboot 
vim-cmd hostsvc/maintenance_mode_enter

Once that’s done we’ll take care of the management configuration. We don’t want to change this till we get to the end. In some instances I’ve seen networks get cranky when we flip over to jumbo frames and make other changes to the management network. That’s why this is done at the end of the script.

# Section 20.01 
# set the management vSwitch to use jumbo frames 
#MyMgtMTU='9000'                         #MTU size for management 
#MgtVMk='vmk0'                           #Management Kernel identifier 
esxcli network vswitch standard set -m $MyMgtMTU -v "$MyMgtVswitch"
esxcli network ip interface set -m $MyMgtMTU -i $MgtVMk

Now on to the very last thing we will do to our ESXi host. I expect that you didn’t type all of this stuff in while sitting at the console of your ESXi host… I bet you SSH’ed into it and either used winscp or putty with some copy and paste magic and dropped all of this code on to your system. Let seal up that loop hole so SSH is disabled. It should be noted that this is not permanent and you will probably want to go in and set a permanent rule for the SSH service through the gui.

# Section 21.01
# Turn off SSH
vim-cmd hostsvc/disable_ssh
vim-cmd hostsvc/stop_ssh
vim-cmd hostsvc/net/refresh
sleep 5

And that is a basic script minus some small parts that I use to build ESXi hosts in a hurry. I’m sure there are ways to improve it so that its more operationally efficient and I’m sure it could be ported over to a KS file or power-shell or any other form you want to use. You could probably get really inventive about how to deploy this quickly.

Remember this is for ESXi 5.0 hosts. If you run this on hosts prior to 5.0 you may get unpredictable results. Many of the section have the 4.x commands in the header if you need them however it should be noted that they are not complete and will not result in a full configuration if run.

If you have questions or comments please let me know and I will try my best to answer them for you.








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