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Welcome to the home of the Wondernerd. As you may have guessed I embrace the name and gladly show it off.

1drNerd Kansas Plate Home on the Range

It’s interesting as I drive my vehicle around Kansas (yes, this nerds home is on the range) people stop and ask me what my license plate says or ask “what does One Doctor Nerd mean?” At which point I get to explain to them that it actually reads as wondernerd (One – der – nerd).

As you can tell my passion and my living are based on virtualization and if you want to get even more in depth I really like End User Computing (EUC) and Graphical Processing Units (GPUs). The site is filled with much of what I do with them on a daily basis. Please feel free to take a look around and if you are looking for info on either of those two items you can find it.

Aside from talking nerdy. I also enjoy meteorology, things like tornadoes (I’m in Kansas), updrafts, micro bursts, sunsets, and so much more. From time to time I’ll share what I get to see here on the range.

2023 is off to a great start. Lots of conferences are returning to in person and I’m already booking rooms for some of them. If you’d like to catch me at a conference here are some of the ones I am planning on attending. Currently I don’t have any sessions I’m presenting but will add them if I given the opportunity. If you can’t find me at an event you can hit me up on twitter (@wonder_nerd). I’m planning on the following events:

  • GPU Tech Conference (spring) (online) – March 20th to the 23rd
    • 3 proposed sessions none accepted
  • VMware Explore US (in person) – August 21st to 24th
    • Call for papers has not been announced as of this posting
  • Kansas City VMUG UserCon (Date TBD)
  • Wichita VMUG meetings as time allows
  • Other events are yet to be determined

If you would like me to come and talk at your event please let me know.

Thanks for the visit,

The Wondernerd

Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/

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AI Qubits You Need for Your VMware Explore Schedule

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